Monday, August 24, 2009

a couple of days to go

So in a couple of days I'll be in Italy. I still cannot find myself excited about it. I'm still saddend by the physical passing of Michael but I know that is not the reason for my unexcitment. I still need to finish packing and putting everything together.
Today I went to Tj to get a haircut. I really needed it. My hair was way too long and in 9 months I know it is going to grow a lot, so I have no worries about that. I'll call my mom and my siblings in a few minutes, because I won't be able to call them as often as I would like to over there.
See what happens...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Ultimate Astrology Personality Analysis: Pisces

Pisces: The Upside
There’s a persistent rumor among astrologers that you can always spot a Pisces by their crossed legs, even if they’re standing. Like many clichés, this one has a grain of truth in it. Perhaps this is because Pisces' symbol, two fish tied by an invisible cord as they swim in opposite directions, is being expressed.

This may account for some of the duality seen within the Pisces personality as well. Intuitive, spiritual and always there with a kind smile; these are the Pisces characteristics we know and love best. Not only are compassionate Pisces great friends, but because of their strong musical and artistic talents, they make for some fantastic dinner companions! Moreover, like the symbolic dual fish, Pisces is very adept at “feeling” the under currents in the air, and then acting appropriately.

The Downside
It’s those very same undercurrents, Pisces, that can be your undoing. Pisces can sometimes swim in deep, murky waters, a trait that they often internalize. It’s rare to see a Pisces complain; they usually hold their conflict in until it overtakes them. And while it’s very true that Pisces can count kindness as one of their greatest assets, when the going gets rough, their desire to escape becomes prevalent.

Neptune, your guardian ruler, rules all forms of escapism; sleeping pills, narcotics and alcohol all fall under this planet's domain. Steer clear of the pull of escapism, while embracing your inner truths, and you’ll be quite successful in life.

The Week of the Loner

You live in a private world all your own. Your home is a retreat from the world, where you admit very few. You tend to isolate yourself more then what is good for you. You have a distinct dislike for superficiality; you mistrust loud, aggressive or pushy people and find it hard to work with people who lack sensitivity. Grace, honesty and an unassailable aesthetic and moral code prevent you from acting underhandedly or particularly hurtful. You have elegance and grace in all that you do, you are a great admirer of sensuous beauty, particularly in people and paintings and you give your home a special touch. You have a strong soulful side and have empathy for all forms of human suffering. You see a distinct difference between being lonely (which you rarely are) and being alone (which you are often) You can become addicted easily to drugs, drink, sex. You crave peak experiences. You ask only to be accepted as you really are. You have few friends that you are close and loyal to. You can be snagged by a pretty face, sensuous voice or alluring body. Once attached to someone it becomes an addiction and when you decide to be free of your love object you experience powerful separation anxiety. Strengths: Soulful – Intimate – Graceful Weaknesses: Reclusive – Disappointed – Suffering .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the passing time

It's difficult so sense the undeniable passing of time, of life. It goes by and you either get on the train or watch it pass without ever realizing what you've missed; and in the case you realize it, it's more than likely too late. Time moves forward, never back. That is a lesson difficult to conseptualize by of extreme necessity if one wants to be a fulfilled happy person.

I've realized that time sometimes passes painfully slow and other times it flies ... with a little more than a month to go, I am not sure what I actually feel about it all.

Can You Feel It - The Jacksons

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Ain’t the pictures enough, why do you go through so much
To get the story you need, so you can bury me
You’ve got the people confused, you tell the stories you choose
You try to get me to lose the man I really am

You keep on stalking me, invading my privacy
won’t you just let me be
‘cause you cameras can’t control, the minds of those who know
That you’ll even sell your soul just to get a story sold

I need my privacy, I need my privacy
So paparazzi, get away from me

Some of you still wonder why, one of my friends had to die
To get a message across, that yet you haven’t heard
My friend was chased and confused, like many others I knew
But on that cold winter night, my pride was snatched away

Now she get no second chance, she just ridiculed and harassed
Please tell my why
No there’s a lesson to learn, respect’s not given, it’s earned
Stop maliciously attacking my integrity


Now there’s a lesson to learn, stories are twisted and turned
Stop maliciously attacking my integrity

[CHORUS x 3]

Privacy audio

Monday, May 4, 2009

me ha hecho llorar

me ha hecho llorar porque se que dice la verdad. me ha hecho sentir un nudo en la garganta y un golpe en el estomago, porque empiezo a dudar yo. no quiero dudar, quiero confiar. me ha hecho llorar porque tengo miedo que sea verdad. no quiero que sea verdad. quiero que todo sea un malentendido, una causa del destino. una causa de "papeleos" y tramites. no quiero que termine. no quiero que se de por vencido. lo quiero conmigo.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I never would have guessed that I would be quoting "Eric Foreman" from my loved tv sitcom, "That 70's Show", but he was right.

"Life is like a train, and guess what, it's gonna hit you can either start running when it's way off in the distance or you can sit down, crack open a beer...and watch it come."

I'm looking into all the paperwork I have to get done before I can even think on setting foot in Florence.
It's a lot! There's a lot to do still, and almost no time left...I have a lot of paperwork due this upcoming 15th!

I am having trouble sleeping and it may be because of that, I don't know, but I want to get everything done; I want to go. Even though I think the possibility of actually going hasn't hit me yet. I don't know, maybe because I generally do get all excited about things and sometimes it just doesn't happen and I'm left terribly sad. I certainly don't want that to happen this time, especially because it means so much to me. So much for my future and for my 'upbringing'.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

looking for my future

I'm looking into my career. Good time isn't it? I can't really find a lot of specific jobs, but there is one that is becomimg somewhat of a dream job. Working in and for the United Nations, I think, would be fantastic. There are a lot of fields within it.
The thing is though, I was looking into translation or interpretation, something in that area of expertise. Turns out that there are 6 official languages and one is not Italian. Total bummer!
The six languages are:
AND you have to know at least 3. I guess it's not that bad, but I wanted to use my Italian. I already want to learn French and well Spanish and English I already have down, obviously. Still, I want a job where I can actually use my beloved Italian language. We'll see I guess. Time will say.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hace unos dias me agarré comprando musica y peliculas en iTunes y entre ellas está esta maravillosa canción. Y hay que agradecer a
Genius xD

Tradirefare de Giorgia

Tra dire e fare tra terra e mare tra tutto quello che avrei da dire sto qua a parlare d’amore tra dire e fare tra bene e male con tutto quello che avrei da fare sto qua che penso solo a te e tu lasciami fare a me basta restare un po’ un po’ di tempo a parlare insieme a te solo a parlare non voglio fare l’amore a me basta guardarti un po’ guardare i tuoi movimenti così lenti che mi fai sentire che fammi sentire che che durerà tra te e me e il tempo si fermerà tra te e me tra dire e fare tra miele e sale resto a sentire i tuoi pensieri per me che fanno rumore e tu lasciami fare a me basta restare un po’ un po’ di tempo a parlare insieme a te solo a parlare non voglio fare l’amore a me basta guardarti un po’ guardare i tuoi movimenti così lenti che mi fai sentire che fammi sentire che che durerà tra te e me e il tempo si fermerà tra te e me tu dimmi che durerà tra te e me e il tempo si fermerà tra te e me
Hoy habló mi tio y preguntó por mi ... y ahi estubieron hablando de mi, y yo ahi escuchando xD ... bueno solo lo que le decia mi papá...le dijo algo asi como "el mes que viene le dicen si la dejan irse a Italia..." y "pues si pero puedo hacer yo.." y "que mas quisiera.." O_o
y luego me dice que mi tio dijo que debería de buscar un part-time o_o xDDD
la dicipula 1 me está volviendo loca con una canción que sepalabola de quién es; pero la pone TODO el día y cuando no la tiene a todo volumen la está cantanto -_-ºº solo se que dice algo de "dirty little secret" augh
: la Tecate de Juan [mi amigo que ya regreso de boot camp!! ] en la fiesta de cumpleaños de Joel

Monday, January 12, 2009

i film che voglio assolutamente vedere

*Anche libero va bene
*Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti
*Il caimano
*La miglio gioventù (the best youth)
*Le conseguenze dell'amore
*In bruges
*The curious case of Benjamin Button
*The reader
*L'amico di famiglia
*Non ti muovere
*The spanish apartment
*The russian dolls

etc etc...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

BuOn CappOdannO...2oo9!!!

Segno zodiacale: PESCI


Nel 2009, la ben nota fantasia di voi dei Pesci vi permettera' di soddisfare in maniera piuttosto facile i vostri desideri sentimentali. Il romanticismo tipico del vostro segno avra' la meglio, in questo periodo in cui molti si sentono in crisi e hanno bisogno di ideali tanto altisonanti quanto reali per ritrovare la propria stabilita'. Gia' nel mese di Gennaio, grazie alla presenza di Venere nel vostro segno, risulterete parecchio appetibili. A Marzo e ad Aprile, poi, grazie a Marte, avrete molto piu' polso del solito e, se c'e' qualcuno che vi piace molto, saprete come farlo vostro. L'Estate, invece, potrebbe essere un po' dispersiva. Vi piaceranno molte persone e, scegli scegli, e' possibile che, alla fine, non combiniate nulla con nessuno. Ottimi invece il rientro dalle vacanze e la parte finale dell'anno. Nell'ambiente di lavoro potreste scoprire che qualcuno nutre una certa simpatia nei vostri confronti!

Salute e bellezza

Certi imprevisti che, lo scorso anno, derivavano dalla presenza di Plutone in un segno per voi difficile, lasceranno, quest'anno, spazio a uno stato di forma piu' uniforme e generalmente positivo. Come comprensibile, quest'ottimo stato di forma si rispecchiera' in un aspetto eccellente, che verra' notato da tutte le persone che hanno a che fare con voi. Nel periodo Estivo, dovrete tuttavia stare attenti a non sudare troppo in posti ventilati. Potreste avere problemi ai bronchi, se non fate un po' di cautela. Settembre e Ottobre saranno, viceversa, due mesi fantastici, in cui potrete tranquillamente rimettervi in sesto dopo i bagordi alimentari dell'Estate con un po' di moto, o iscrivendovi direttamente in una palestra!


Lo scorso anno e' stato connotato dall'antipatica presenza di Saturno in opposizione al vostro segno. Per fortuna, il 2009 presenta un nuovo transito del temibile astro e vi permette di esprimere le vostre potenzialita' appieno, come non potevate da mesi. Cio' avverra' a fine Ottobre. Tuttavia, gia' prima di quel momento ci sara' l'occasione di fare bene e di mettersi in evidenza con chi giudica il vostro operato sul lavoro oppure a scuola. Da Marzo a Luglio, le ottime posizioni alternate di Marte e Mercurio vi permetteranno di svolgere al meglio i vostri compiti. D'Estate, invece, sara' bene prendersi una lunga vacanza, perche' gli astri in quadratura disperdono le vostre energie e i risultati del vostro lavoro!


La fervente immaginazione di voi esponenti dei Pesci viene raramente ritenuta utile, da un punto di vista economico. Nel 2009, potrete sfatare questo mito! Con Plutone finalmente positivo, ci sara' la possibilita' d'ingegnarsi in piccole scommesse e investimenti che, gia' prima della fine dell'anno, daranno frutti tanto inaspettati quanto interessanti. Urano permane nel vostro segno e vi da' la possibilita' di capire quali sono i campi nei quali investire per realizzare qualche guadagno, oppure quali potrebbero essere le scommesse da intraprendere. Ottimo sara' anche il periodo immediatamente successivo alle vacanze Estive. Il vostro intuito sara' sopraffino e vi impedira' di farvi sfuggire occasioni di spese che vi renderanno soddisfatti e contenti per lungo tempo!